Pivotal Integration

Pivotal Integration

Attention to all our existing POS customers. Wisetronic can now integrate with Pivotal credit card machine.                                                  For more information, you can now call us so that we can arrange to set up the integration.

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Self-order KIOSK

Self-order KIOSK

We have added a KIOSK station like the one you see at Macdonald these days. This will help reduce the waiting time in placing an order thereby increase your customer flow. To learn more about these functions, please give us a call and will be very happy to talk to you about them.

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We have also created an E-commerce site to allow you our customer to sell your products on line . This will allow you to receive orders at your restaurant or at your fast food outlet on your POS. This function is accompanied by an Android and IOS apps which your customers have to download on

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Our Loyalty program

Our Loyalty program

We have added a new feature call “loyalty program”. This will allow you to increase your customer retention. One of the way is to track the frequency that your customer is buying from your location and reward them accordingly. The other way is to sell the card as a gift card with a monetary value

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Welcome Columbus Bakery

Welcome Columbus Bakery

The famous Columbus Bakery on Dufferin road has just joined our customer base. We at Wisetronic are very pleased to welcome Carlos and Anna the owners. We wish them all the best.  

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New Apps

New Apps

We have just developed a new app for the kitchen. This app will allow the user to display kitchen orders on a tablet as well as using a printer. You can control the delivery time for the order to make sure that it is prepared on time as promised. For further detail you can call

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Daily email report

Daily email report

As you have noticed for a while that you have been receiving email on a daily basis reporting your daily sale. We have now added since last Thursday a dash board a with pie chart showing your sales by categories and a histogram chart showing your sales on a weekly basis. We will be using

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Our latest hardware

Our latest hardware

Our new 15.6″ dual screen , ARM Cortex-A17 CPU quad core processor 1.8 GHz, 2g memory, 8g storage Half of second screen can be as a promotional feature displaying your products as well as your logo. The other one is a single screen with a customer display.

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Additional feature to our base program

Additional feature to our base program

This feature will allow the customer to input additional info such as capture signature for waiver, updating your contact in the backoffice from an outside tablet prior to coming to the counter. For more info, please  contact us.

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New software addition

New software addition

We have just added a new feature on demand to our base program. The new feature is call ” Loyalty Program“. This is a very good additional feature if you want to track and increase your customer retention. We use a card reader that is connected to your system using a card or key fob.

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